Financial Support

Our mission is to make all of our programs accessible. Every fee-based offering has a limited number of pay-what-you-can spots available to support self-identified people of color, members of marginalized groups (queer people, transgender people, and  people with disabilities) and those in financial need (those for whom the cost to attend is not financially possible). 

These spots are offered on a first come, first served basis. Please pay at the highest level you can afford. In order for this support to be available, we rely on those who can afford to pay the full price to do so.

Find out if spots are available by clicking REGISTER NOW on the event you are interested in.


We work to protect the safety of all students. We reserve the right to remove any student from any class, sitting group, retreat, or any event if the student is disruptive to the safe learning environment we maintain for all.

Cancellation & Refunds

We reserve the right to cancel a class or special event due to low enrollment or other circumstances which would make the event non-viable. If InsightLA cancels an event you’ve registered for, you will be offered a full refund. If an event has to be postponed for any reason, you will have the option to either receive a full refund or transfer your registration to the same event at the new, future date. If you cancel, we apply a 5% credit processing fee and the refunded amounts are listed below:

MBSR, MSC, & MBHC, Mindfulness for Beginners & Special Events

7 days – 95% Refund
<7 days – No Refunds – Credit given if requested or donation to InsightLA

Fee-Based Non-Residential Retreats (note: Donations are non-refundable)

>7 days – 95% Refund
<7 days – No Refunds – Credit given if requested or donation to InsightLA

Residential Retreats

> 8 weeks – amount paid less $100
4-8 weeks – amount paid less $175
2-4 weeks – amount paid less $300
< 2 weeks – No refund

Residential Retreats with Financial Support:

> 8 weeks – amount paid less $75
4-8 weeks – amount paid less $100
2-4 weeks – amount paid less $200
< 2 weeks – No refund

You are viewing a past event.


Refund and Event Policies

The People’s Institute training workshops are limited to 40 people, and take place over three full days. Because of the size of our group, we need to schedule two trainings this year.  They are taking place on July 17-19th, and Nov 13-15th. 
This listing is for the July training.
Click HERE to register for the November training. 
These trainings are of high quality and are not inexpensive.  By having two trainings, we do save on the costs. Due to this, we are requesting that teachers pay their way, to the best of their ability.  Those who are unable to pay the full cost, will be supplemented by ILA as best as possible, allowing all to attend, regardless of funds.  Attending a training like this in another city or area would incur additional travel expenses, so all considered this is a great deal, having them come to us.
The cost per person will be about $350 and you are asked to commit to the full 3 days. 
Friday July 17th – 7pm – 9pm
Saturday July 18th – 8am – 5pm
Sunday July 19th – 8am – 5pm 
People of Color: The trainers for the People’s Institute will also be holding a group meeting prior to the Friday 17th start time & after the training concludes on the 19th. Details/times to be determined for people of color.
We understand that these trainings take up valuable time and resources, but we hope that you are motivated and inspired to participate.  The values of equity and inclusivity are at the heart of what it is to be a teacher at ILA.  
As always, attendance to one of these trainings, based on your schedule and availability, is considered essential.  Hopefully, everyone can attend one of these weekends.  We will attempt to establish a balanced group for each of the weekends, in terms of diversity, etc.. 
This listing is for the July training. If you need financial support and cannot pay the $350 please use the financial support option at checkout and chose the amount you are able to contribute. 

Undoing Racism® is our signature workshop.  Through dialogue, reflection, role-playing, strategic planning and presentations, this intensive process challenges participants to analyze the structures of power and privilege that hinder social equity and prepares them to be effective organizers for justice. The multiracial team of organizers/trainers includes more than 100 men and women whose anti-racist organizing expertise includes years with civil, labor and welfare rights struggles, educational, foster care, social service and health reform movements, as well as youth and grassroots community organizing. An average of 30 groups per month participate in The People’s Institute Undoing Racism®/Community Organizing process.

Workshop participants will:

  • Develop a common definition of racism and an understanding of its different forms: individual, institutional, linguistic, and cultural;
  • Develop a common language and analysis for examining racism in the United States;
  • Understand one’s own connection to institutional racism and its impact on his/her work;
  • Understand why people are poor and the role of institutions in exacerbating institutional racism, particularly for people and communities of color;
  • Understand the historical context for how racial classifications in the United States came to be and how and why they are maintained;
  • Understand the historical context for how U.S. institutions came to be and who they have been designed to serve;
  • Understand how all of us, including white people, are adversely impacted by racism every day, everywhere;
  • Address surface assumptions about how your work is (or is not) affected by racism;
  • Develop awareness and understanding about ways to begin Undoing Racism®
  • Gain knowledge about how to be more effective in the work you do with your constituencies, your organizations, your communities, your families;
  • Understand the role of community organizing and building effective multiracial coalitions as a means for Undoing Racism®.
Pricing Options
Cost $350

Financial Support

Our mission is to make all of our programs accessible. Every fee-based offering has a limited number of pay-what-you-can spots available to support members of marginalized groups (people of color, queer people, people with disabilities) and those in financial need (those for whom the cost to attend is not financially possible).

These spots are offered on a first come, first served basis. Please pay at the highest level you can afford. In order for this support to be available, we rely on those who can afford to pay the full price to do so.

Register Now

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