Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction

MBSR students come from all walks of life, but they share one thing in common: the desire to find more balance, peace and happiness in their lives. If you share these aspirations, MBSR can be a valuable resource for you. Two decades of published resear... Read more

The Short Course in Mindful Self-Compassion

Learn the skills we all need to meet life’s challenges with more wisdom and kindness. Our new and abridged course, The Short Course in Mindful Self-Compassion (SC-MSC), will teach you how to hold yourself with tenderness and compassion when you need it... Read more

Unwinding Anxiety: Mindfulness-Based Habit Change

Are you sometimes overwhelmed with worry, distracted by recurring thoughts, or experiencing problems with restlessness, tension, or insomnia? You may have an anxious habit or even be addicted to anxiety or stress. If so, you’re not alone. An estimated 4... Read more

Mindful Eating: Mindfulness-Based Habit Change

Cultivate greater present-moment awareness in everyday life through the lens of mindful eating. Practicing mindful eating is an opportunity to foster wholesome change in many facets of our lives. Nourish yourself with the lasting inner reward of self-ki... Read more