Eileen Ybarra

Eileen Ybarra


Eileen Ybarra began studying Theravadan Buddhism meditation practice in 2004. Her first meditation teacher was Trudy Goodman. Since 2004, she has also studied with a variety of dharma teachers through the Against the Stream Meditation Society, Insight Meditation Center of Redwood City, Durango Dharma Center, and Spirit Rock Meditation Center. Her profession is public librarianship, a meaningful practice of service and mindfulness, which she is grateful for.

Eileen is one of the teachers for the Hollywood Forever Cemetary, Young Adult, and Middle-ish meditation groups, where she leads guided meditations and group discussions. She has completed two 1-year long facilitator training programs with the Against the Stream Meditation Society. She has also completed the Dedicated Practitioners Program at Spirit Rock Meditation Center.