Wendy Schmelzer, LCSW


Wendy Schmelzer has been teaching meditation in health and healing environments since 2006 — most recently as an instructor at the Greater Los Angeles VA where for five years she taught mindfulness and compassion practices to staff, veterans, and family caregivers as part of InsightLA’s VA CALM team. A longtime meditator, she is a graduate of InsightLA’s first MBSR class, as well as its initial MBSR teacher training course and Mindful Self-Compassion’s (MSC) inaugural Teacher Training program.

Wendy is a licensed clinical social worker and psychotherapist specializing in aging and end of life concerns. In addition to private practice, she teaches Mindful Self-Compassion at InsightLA, and leads ILA’s Mindful Aging Sitting Group every Wednesday morning. In an earlier professional life, she was an award-winning Science Correspondent for NPR, specializing in aging and health-related issues.