This event is the online version of a hybrid retreat which will take place both in-person and online. To register for the in-person version of this event click here.
Sayadaw U Tejaniya was born in Burma into a Buddhist family. He started meditating as a teenager, guided by the late Shwe Oo Min Sayadaw (1913-2002).
After getting married and taking over the family business, he struggled with depression and addiction. Due to family responsibilities, he couldn’t go on a long retreat as he wished. Instead, he practiced meditation at home while taking care of the business and his family. Through daily life practice at home and work, he learned to integrate meditation into his lay life and maintain it in any situation.
In 1996, he became a monk and now teaches meditation at the Shwe Oo Min Dhamma Sukha Forest Meditation Center in Yangon, Burma.
Sayadaw U Tejaniya’s approach is free from rigid styles or forms, influenced by his previous life as a layperson and his interest in adaptable practice. His teachings emphasys on Right View, Awareness, and the continuous practice of maintaining these teachings throughout the day.
In this daylong, we will learn the keys to practice outside of retreat setting, using Sayadaw U Tejaniya’s style.
This is a dana retreat. The practice of giving donations/dana helps continue the ancient Buddhist monastic tradition of teaching on a dana basis – dana being the Pali word for generosity or giving freely.
Your contributions help teachers to lead a life devoted to teaching both at InsightLA and in other parts of the world, including communities without the means to donate. Your gifts also allow teachers to take time for their own practice, ensuring that their teachings are continuously enriched.
Suggested Donation: $85