MBCT (Mindfulness-Based Cognitive Therapy) is based on the MBSR program developed by Jon Kabat-Zinn. The MBCT program is designed specifically for people who suffer from depressed mood and was created to help prevent relapse into depression. In this program, you’ll learn how to use different skills: cognitive therapy can teach you how to be aware of distortions in thinking, and mindfulness can teach you how to ground into the present moment and see your thought and feelings as simply mental events in the mind that come and go. Rather than trying to change or eliminate difficult mental experiences, MBCT teaches you how to develop a whole different understanding of and relationship to your thoughts, feelings, and bodily sensations.
When you know how to change your relationship to negative thoughts or unpleasant experiences, they become much easier to handle, reducing the negative cycle that too often leads to relapse. You may find you are less stressed, less reactive, and are even enjoying life more!
The MBCT course consists of eight weekly 2 hour classes, and a daylong meditation retreat. Sessions consist generally of guided mindfulness meditation, in-class exercises, gentle yoga, and discussion. There are also practices and homework assignments that participants complete during the days between sessions. The structure of MBCT requires strong commitment to doing the homework, but the rewards can be lasting.
The latest research proves that MBCT can be as effective as prescription drugs in preventing relapse, and more effective in enhancing your quality of life. The study also showed MBCT to help people with a history of depression stay well in the longer term.
Class Objects:
- Identify distorted thoughts that lead to depression and anxiety
- Understand the connection between thoughts, emotions and physical sensation
- Counter “automatic thoughts” that cause a depressive spiral
- Apply a number of mindfulness and cognitive techniques to relieve depression and anxiety
- Create a plan for reducing the likelihood of a depressive relapse
If you are interested please contact us at the above teacher contact link to schedule a brief initial phone consultation with the teachers to see if this group is a good fit for you.
Please Note: This class series begins on Sept 17 and ends on Nov 12 (skipping Oct 8). There will be a daylong retreat on a Saturday October, 26th 830am – 2:30pm.
Recommended reading: We will have optional readings each week in “The Mindful Way through Depression” by Williams, Teasdale, Segal, Kabat-Zinn and “Full Catastrophe Living” by Jon Kabat-Zinn.
Psychologists: Continuing Education Credit for this program is provided by UC San Diego Center for Mindfulness. The UC San Diego Center for Mindfulness is approved by the American Psychological Association to sponsor continuing education for psychologists. The UC San Diego Center for Mindfulness maintains responsibility for this program and its content. This course offers 22.0 hours of credit.
California licensed MFTs, LPCCs, LEPs, LCSWs: Continuing Education Credit for this program is provided by UC San Diego Center for Mindfulness. The UC San Diego Center for Mindfulness is approved by the American Psychological Association to sponsor continuing education for psychologists. 22.0 contact hours may be applied to your license renewal through the California Board of Behavioral Sciences. For those licensed outside California, please check with your local licensing board to determine if APA accreditation meets their requirements.
Nurses: UC San Diego Center for Mindfulness is approved by the California Board of Registered Nursing, Provider Number CEP16351, for 26.0 contact hours.
If you have questions or concerns, please feel free to call Michael at (310) 621-2184 or email michaels@insightla.org.