Join Melissa McKay this New Year’s for a 4-night silent meditation retreat at the beautiful Mary and Joseph Retreat Center.
A retreat provides an opportunity to deepen our meditation practice and gain a deeper understanding of the mind enabling us to release old patterns and gain an inner peace.
Most of the retreat is held in silence, with periods of sitting and walking meditation. There are dharma talks, guided meditations, and time for questions and answers. Three healthy vegetarian meals are provided for.
Retreatants are encouraged to practice mindfulness in a continuous way, staying with their own present experience as it unfolds, moment to moment. In this silent and mindful environment, awareness sharpens, the body quiets, the mind clears, and space opens for insight and understanding to develop.
By cultivating the power of awareness, clarity and kindness, we discover our path to inner freedom and a peaceful heart for the benefit or our relationship to ourselves, our community and our wider world.
Dana/Generosity: Teacher compensation is not included in the registration fee. There will be an opportunity at the end of retreat to make a donation to the teachers. Thank you for your support!
Sunday, December 28th
• 3:00pm – 5:00pm Arrive and Settle
• 5:30pm – 6:30pm Dinner
• 7:00pm – 9:00pm Opening Ceremony
Thursday, January 1st
• 11:00am Retreat Ends