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  • Location Online
  • Experience Levels Introductory
  • This class is a donation based class. No one will be turned away for lack of funds.
  • Date/Time Tuesday, February 7, 2023
    8:30 AM - 8:45 AM PT

Refund and Event Policies

Make these fifteen minutes a daily habit to pause, reconnect with your inner compass and nourish your mediation practice. Each week we explore a different aspect of Mindfulness including; Mindfulness of the breath, the body, the heart and the mind.  
These sessions are opportunities to practice with short guided and silent meditations. 

Join us every  Monday-Friday.  You’re welcome to stay after class for 15 minutes to meet fellow practitioners and for Q&A. 

Mondays – Carolina
Tuesdays – Tere
Wednesdays – Dina
Thursdays – Robin
Fridays – Megan

Suggested Donation: $10


Tere Abdala Teacher

Tere is second generation Mexican, with a Lebanese family background. She was born and lived in Mexico City almost all her life. There she became fascinated by Tibetan Buddhism. She moved to Los Angeles in 2002 with her now late husband and three young daughters. Once in LA, she met Trudy Goodman at InsightLA and... Read more

Bill Resnick, MD Teacher

Bill Resnick, MD, MBA, is a psychiatrist and philanthropist, as well as a dedicated mindfulness practitioner since taking his first class at InsightLA in 2010 – and currently chairs the board of InsightLA. He has worked as a community psychiatrist at AIDS Healthcare Foundation and Venice Family Clinic, where he continues to volunteer and serve... Read more

[On Hold Until 2023] Breakfast for the Spirit: 15-Minute Morning Meditation

Make these fifteen minutes a daily habit to pause, reconnect with your inner compass and nourish your mediation practice. Each week we explore a different aspect of Mindfulness including; Mindfulness of the breath, the body, the heart and the mind.     These sessions are opportunities to practice with short guided and silent meditations.  Join... Read more

Dina Aish, EdD Teacher

Dina is an educator and mindfulness teacher with a doctorate degree in education and teaches methods and social emotional learning professionally at the college level and to elementary school faculties throughout Los Angeles, CA. She is a founding teacher with the Insight in Schools program and has a passion for supporting teachers with mindfulness and... Read more

[On Hold Until 2023] Breakfast for the Spirit: 15-Minute Morning Meditation

Make these fifteen minutes a daily habit to pause, reconnect with your inner compass and nourish your mediation practice. Each week we explore a different aspect of Mindfulness including; Mindfulness of the breath, the body, the heart and the mind.     These sessions are opportunities to practice with short guided and silent meditations.  Join... Read more

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