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  • Location Online
  • Experience Levels All
  • This class is a donation based class. No one will be turned away for lack of funds.
  • Date/Time Friday, September 27, 2024
    12:00 PM - 12:45 PM PT
  • Next Available Date Friday 04 October 2024

Find greater calm by shifting from doing to being within the practice of mindfulness meditation.
Join InsightLA Teacher Izumi Tanaka online for 30 minutes of guided meditation Fridays at noon Pacific Time.

Guided Meditation
Practice gently focusing your awareness on an anchor, such as the breath or sounds, building the muscle of concentration. 
Open to the possibility of accepting each moment exactly as it is by witnessing thoughts, emotions and sensations as they come and go. 
Let yourself rest in the stillness of the present moment.

Who is this practice for?
This event is for anyone who would like to calm the mind with a mid-day guided meditation break. All are welcome, including those who are new to meditation.
Expect a 5-minute introduction followed by a 30-minute guided meditation and ending with 10 minutes for Q&A with the teacher.

By Donation: Although this is a donation-based class, registration is required.

Suggested donation: $15


Izumi Tanaka Teacher

Izumi has been practicing mindfulness meditation for almost 20 years and recently finished the facilitator training at InsightLA. As a freelance photographer, and real estate professional, she has led entrepreneurial women’s networking groups since 2000; and now eager to share the benefits she has received from the practice with other women.