Note: This class will be via Zoom online only.
The Four Noble Truths are the heart of the Buddha’s teachings. The seeds of all that the Buddha subsequently taught are contained in these foundational teachings. It is said that they are so simple that a child can understand, yet not even the most experienced elder could ever plumb its depths.
The Buddha often said that he taught one thing and one thing only: suffering, and the end of suffering. These four noble truths lay out the truth about our human condition. (hint: it includes difficulty and distress); the causes of our discontent; the possibility of release; and the path towards that release and freedom.
In this daylong, we will begin an introduction to these fundamental teachings. The day will consist of periods of teaching, guided meditation, walking meditation in our beautiful unspoiled canyon, and community support as we explore our relationship to these precious teachings. An opportunity to begin the new year refreshed and renewed, seeing how incorporating these teachings into our lives can bring the relief we long for.
Suggested donation: $85