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We reserve the right to cancel a class or event due to low enrollment or other circumstances which would make the event non-viable. If InsightLA cancels an event you’ve registered for, you will be offered a full refund. If an event has to be postponed for any reason, you will have the option to either receive a full refund or transfer your registration to the same event at the new, future date.

Donations are not refundable.


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  • Location Online
  • Experience Levels All
  • This class is a donation based class. No one will be turned away for lack of funds.
  • Date Starts Friday, February 14, 2025
    Ends Sunday, February 16, 2025

    2 nights

Refund and Event Policies

This event is the online version of a hybrid retreat which will take place both in-person and online. To register for the in-person version of this event, please click here.

Join Melissa McKay for two days of intensive Metta meditation practice.  The retreat will be held mostly in silence alternating between sitting and walking meditation.

In Buddhist practice, Metta is one of the four brahma viharas which means highest abodes or dwelling place.  What that means it is one of the most sublime dwelling places for our hearts and minds.  When it is present, it breaks down the walls of limited and negative thinking.  It helps us to overcome worry and fears, doubts and sorrows.  It brings clarity, serenity and confidence to our minds.  And it is a powerful healer of all that afflicts us both mentally and physically. 

Everyone is welcome, regardless of previous meditation experience.

Schedule (in Pacific Time):

6:30-7:30pm  Introduction and Talk
7:30-7:45  Stretch
7:45-8:30 Meditation

Saturday and Sunday:
8:30-9:30   Guided meditation
9:30-10:15  Walking meditation
10:15-11    Sitting meditation
11-11:30  Walking meditation
11:30-12:30pm   Lunch and rest
12:30-1:30     Sitting meditation
1:30-2:15  Walking meditation  
2:15-3  Sitting meditation
3-3:30  Tea and optional talking
3:30-4   Questions and Discussion
4-9  Continue practice at home  (optional Saturday only)

This is a dana retreat. The practice of giving donations/dana helps continue the ancient Buddhist monastic tradition of teaching on a dana basis – dana being the Pali word for generosity or giving freely.

Your contributions help teachers to lead a life devoted to teaching both at InsightLA and in other parts of the world, including communities without the means to donate. Your gifts also allow teachers to take time for their own practice, ensuring that their teachings are continuously enriched.

Suggested Donation: $185


Melissa McKay Teacher

Melissa began her path of meditation in 1998 with a small group of dedicated practitioners in Oakland, CA with her beloved, though not known, teacher named Barbara Janus who introduced her to the teachings of Sayadaw U Pandita of Burma. Her first retreat was with Sayadaw U Pandita and the profound changes she saw in... Read more

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