Financial Support

Our mission is to make all of our programs accessible. Every fee-based offering has a limited number of pay-what-you-can spots available to support self-identified people of color, members of marginalized groups (queer people, transgender people, and  people with disabilities) and those in financial need (those for whom the cost to attend is not financially possible). 

These spots are offered on a first come, first served basis. Please pay at the highest level you can afford. In order for this support to be available, we rely on those who can afford to pay the full price to do so.

Find out if spots are available by clicking REGISTER NOW on the event you are interested in.


We work to protect the safety of all students. We reserve the right to remove any student from any class, sitting group, retreat, or any event if the student is disruptive to the safe learning environment we maintain for all.

Cancellation & Refunds

We reserve the right to cancel a class or special event due to low enrollment or other circumstances which would make the event non-viable. If InsightLA cancels an event you’ve registered for, you will be offered a full refund. If an event has to be postponed for any reason, you will have the option to either receive a full refund or transfer your registration to the same event at the new, future date. If you cancel, we apply a 5% credit processing fee and the refunded amounts are listed below:

MBSR, MSC, & MBHC, Mindfulness for Beginners & Special Events

7 days – 95% Refund
<7 days – No Refunds – Credit given if requested or donation to InsightLA

Fee-Based Non-Residential Retreats (note: Donations are non-refundable)

>7 days – 95% Refund
<7 days – No Refunds – Credit given if requested or donation to InsightLA

Residential Retreats

> 8 weeks – amount paid less $100
4-8 weeks – amount paid less $175
2-4 weeks – amount paid less $300
< 2 weeks – No refund

Residential Retreats with Financial Support:

> 8 weeks – amount paid less $75
4-8 weeks – amount paid less $100
2-4 weeks – amount paid less $200
< 2 weeks – No refund

You are viewing a past event.


Refund and Event Policies

What might we discover about ourselves if we learn to ask the right questions? How deep can the learning go when we move beyond familiar answers?

On Sunday, June 25th, join Senior Teacher Justine Dawson and the InsightLA sangha for a day of spiritual inquiry. We will learn to use the power of reflective questions to access fresh perspective, ease and awakened understanding.

What is Spiritual Inquiry?

Spiritual Inquiry is the process of using repeated potent questions to move beyond habitual patterns of thought and into deeper understanding and insight. While it can help heal accumulated knots and traumas, it is also helpful for digesting the daily ups and downs of life, connecting us to a much vaster sense of being. 

Go beyond the familiar stories and habitual answers to life’s questions and discover new possibilities of body, heart and mind.

We’ll spend our day practicing mindful awareness, radical curiosity, embodied listening, and welcoming receptivity through meditative, written and paired dialog inquiry practices. There will be periods of silence and talking, inward reflection and community sharing. 

Expect to leave refreshed, inspired 

Who is this day long retreat for?

This day-long retreat is for everyone who wants to learn practical skills for accessing their own internal wisdom and embodied insight. 

Everyone is welcome to join this single-day retreat, including beginners. Mindfulness, meditation and inquiry practices are suitable for all levels.

Where is this retreat located? 

This event will take place in-person at InnerWay LA, Culver City and live online (the program will not be recorded). Find directions, information on what to bring and more at the link.  

About Justine Dawson

​​Justine Dawson is a teacher and guide of mindfulness, intimacy and awakening. A 25-year practitioner of Insight Meditation, she completed training as a mindfulness teacher under Jack Kornfield in 2012.

From the inside out, Justine guides people to unburden the shame, fear and judgment that prevents them from intimacy with all aspects of themselves and of life. Learn more about Justine here.

“Justine taught me to be present, in approval of everything that comes up for me and to get lovingly curious in that spot. She has the sensitive ability to gently meet me where I’m at at all times, my system relaxes in her presence, my protection goes down and that way I get to the core of what is underneath.”

Anne Breiehagen, Coach, Norway

“Working with Justine’s quality of nurturing that blends hard truths with unconditional compassion, I don’t get lost in techniques or tools. Instead, Justine gives real-world practices for everyday life that are directly applicable to my own individual situation. It feels like Justine meets me where I am, and then points to where I deep down know I want to be. While it hasn’t been easy, it has been the most rewarding work I’ve done.”

Beth H, Financial Advisor USA

“Justine’s compassionate and gentle method was a refreshing and much needed medicine for my heart and soul. Justine’s approval and curiosity for the good, bad and the ugly gave me the space to finally be able to turn toward parts of myself that I’d previously shunned. I was able to heal from deep childhood wounds that were activated through multiple relationship endings and painful life events, I shed ways of being that were keeping me from having what I want, and opened to a lighter, softer, more open-hearted version of myself.”

J.M., Plant Medicine Guide, USA


Register Now!

Total Price: $85

Need Financial Assistance? Click on the ‘Register Now’ button and access options in the registration process.  

The Power of Spiritual Inquiry

What might we discover about ourselves if we learn to ask the right questions? How deep can the learning go when we move beyond familiar answers? On Sunday, June 25th, join Senior Teacher Justine Dawson and the InsightLA sangha for a day of spiritual inquiry. We will learn to use the power of reflective questions... Read more

Pricing Options
Class Fee In-Person $85
Class Fee Online $85

Financial Support

Our mission is to make all of our programs accessible. Every fee-based offering has a limited number of pay-what-you-can spots available to support members of marginalized groups (people of color, queer people, people with disabilities) and those in financial need (those for whom the cost to attend is not financially possible).

These spots are offered on a first come, first served basis. Please pay at the highest level you can afford. In order for this support to be available, we rely on those who can afford to pay the full price to do so.

Register Now

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