Financial Support

Our mission is to make all of our programs accessible. Every fee-based offering has a limited number of pay-what-you-can spots available to support self-identified people of color, members of marginalized groups (queer people, transgender people, and  people with disabilities) and those in financial need (those for whom the cost to attend is not financially possible). 

These spots are offered on a first come, first served basis. Please pay at the highest level you can afford. In order for this support to be available, we rely on those who can afford to pay the full price to do so.

Find out if spots are available by clicking REGISTER NOW on the event you are interested in.


We work to protect the safety of all students. We reserve the right to remove any student from any class, sitting group, retreat, or any event if the student is disruptive to the safe learning environment we maintain for all.

Cancellation & Refunds

We reserve the right to cancel a class or special event due to low enrollment or other circumstances which would make the event non-viable. If InsightLA cancels an event you’ve registered for, you will be offered a full refund. If an event has to be postponed for any reason, you will have the option to either receive a full refund or transfer your registration to the same event at the new, future date. If you cancel, we apply a 5% credit processing fee and the refunded amounts are listed below:

MBSR, MSC, & MBHC, Mindfulness for Beginners & Special Events

7 days – 95% Refund
<7 days – No Refunds – Credit given if requested or donation to InsightLA

Fee-Based Non-Residential Retreats (note: Donations are non-refundable)

>7 days – 95% Refund
<7 days – No Refunds – Credit given if requested or donation to InsightLA

Residential Retreats

> 8 weeks – amount paid less $100
4-8 weeks – amount paid less $175
2-4 weeks – amount paid less $300
< 2 weeks – No refund

Residential Retreats with Financial Support:

> 8 weeks – amount paid less $75
4-8 weeks – amount paid less $100
2-4 weeks – amount paid less $200
< 2 weeks – No refund

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  • Location Big Bear Retreat Center
  • Experience Levels All
  • Date Starts Tuesday, December 3, 2024
    Ends Sunday, December 8, 2024

    5 nights

Refund and Event Policies


Tuesday, December 3rd – Sunday, December 8th 
Registration closes November 25th at 11:59pm Pacific Time

White people*: We need all the help we can get.  Who can we be today to change the conditions of our world for the better, to right the wrongs of the past in the present, and to find the way to the future, so we can become good ancestors to the world to come? Working at the level of the body, we will welcome our wise and loving ancestors of blood and bone to extend their blessings to us, and to give us their full support and backing in our efforts to end white supremacy, and all its impacts, in our lifetimes.  We are the representatives of our lineages here on Earth at this time, and our bodies know the way.

We all come from people who lived in interdependence with each other and connection with the Earth.  Welcoming and honoring ancestors is an ancient spiritual practice found in many cultures and traditions, including those of European lands. This retreat invites a reconnection to our lineages through meditation, healing and repair, so that we can know ourselves and our inherent belonging more deeply.

In a container of silent and non-silent practice we will explore healing, and the action we can take to end injustice in the world, with the support of our wise and loving ancestors, the Earth and all our relationships.

Practices we will be in together include:  directly engaging with our ancestors of lineage, including those we inherited by birth and those we claim such as spiritual and political lineages, working with unhealed patterns in order to relate more wisely and compassionately to ourselves and our people, inviting connection with the Earth through tending our relationship to land and spirit by offering gratitude, and listening and receiving the Earth’s wisdom.  This ancestral healing work makes it possible for us to more fully embody our commitment to racial justice.

*For self-identified white people. If you identify as white and are committed to racial justice, land and liberation, this retreat is for you.


“Being invited into ancestor (re)connection in ways that feel authentic to my European-American heritage has helped me feel more grounded and resourced in all that I do.

I know that feeling the ancestral grief and longing for lost land and traditions that Whiteness disconnected me (and generations) from is essential to my healing and my activism. Being able to feel and speak to that grief has made me a more solid comrade in Land Back movements; it has given me more understanding for other people-assimilated-into-whiteness, which helps me bring people in; and it supports my parenting and teaching to feel the ancestors’ ancient grace, love, and humor always supporting me.”

Sady Sullivan – Nipmuc, Pocumtuc and Wabanaki Land, Conway, MA


“As a part of ancestors work with Ream, I have tapped into a deep sense of belonging that I didn’t think was possible. My commitment to liberation work and what moves to make has become even clearer.”

Dr. Monica Brown – Osage Land, St. Louis, MO


*retreat fees do not include teacher dana-donations: more information below*

Accessible Rate: $500

Sustainer Rate: $1,500

Generosity Rate: $2,500+

Are finances a barrier to attend? We strive to make retreats as accessible as possible to anyone. Contact us if finances are a burden in any way, we have several options to make these retreats financially accessible to you. We ask that these be prioritized for those who self-identify as holding marginalized identities or in financial need. Contact us at for more information.


Ream, pronouns:  She/They. Ream is a queer organizer and somatics practitioner of European ancestry currently in Oakland, CA, organizing for economic and racial justice and immigrants’ rights, working for over 25 years in the labor movement and currently as the Strategic Campaigns Director for the United Domestic Workers’ Union.  Ream is a graduate of EBMC’s... Read more

Kimber Simpkins

Kimber (She/her), for over twenty years, has been learning and teaching how to use meditation and movement to improve our relationships with our bodies, our spirits, our communities, and our world. Kimber is a white, cis, queer mom and author who’s taught movement and mindfulness in the San Francisco Bay area for more than twenty... Read more

Em Morrison

Em became interested in mindfulness and meditation in 2011 because she was having the best day of her life (just kidding). She loves nothing more than creating safe, fun, and healthy spaces for teens and adults to flourish. She has taught mindfulness at afterschool programs, summer camps, and on adult, young adult, and teen retreats.... Read more

Pricing Options
Accessible Rate $500
Sustainer Rate $1500
Generosity Rate $2500

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Financial Support

Our mission is to make all of our programs accessible. Every fee-based offering has a limited number of pay-what-you-can spots available to support members of marginalized groups (people of color, queer people, people with disabilities) and those in financial need (those for whom the cost to attend is not financially possible).

These spots are offered on a first come, first served basis. Please pay at the highest level you can afford. In order for this support to be available, we rely on those who can afford to pay the full price to do so.

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