Join Trudy as she leads a meditation and discusion focusing on how to work with fear due to coronavirus.
Note From Trudy:
Hi Everyone, here are the links to information i mentioned on Sunday + some things you shared. There are many meditation apps with countless offerings, and you can also find guided meditations by me and our other teachers on our website. Enjoy!
Coronavirus and the Sun: a Lesson from the 1918 Influenza Pandemic
2. The poem i read, “The Afternoon the World Health Organization Declared the Pandemic”
3. The poem I read last week, “Lockdown”
4. In addition to your meditation practice, please consider availing yourself of extra support if you’re feeling frightened, isolated, and not sure where to turn. Below find some therapy apps; i’m just passing this list along without recommendation since I don’t know much about them, but if you don’t have access to a therapist, they’re worth a try:
5. Some of what you shared on the chats:
Kathy offering walks and connection to anyone who’s feeling alone: 310-817-3998
Akemi, our Volunteer Coordinator, set up Dharma Pals for everyone:
Eminem, “Cleanin’ Out My Closet” music video expressing his rage and letting it go – cleaning out his emotional closet and naming his remorse for mistakes he made, too.
Rosamaria teaching 3 meditations in Spanish each week :
Julie Gold singing “From a Distance” recommended by Boston friend Janet Y.
Alex M There is an opportunity for a real beautiful shift in awareness and in the way our societies function. There’s lots of hope to be found!
If I’ve left anything out that you wanted to share, please let Anisa know and/ or bring it up next time we’re together.
Thank you for your practice and your presence!
More love,